
It's the little things.....

For the most part, I think I have made the adjustment of living in the Middle East quite well.

To be honest, I have always wished that I could study the culture and history of this area. I have a decent knowledge of Europe and most of the history there, but when it comes to this area of the world... there is very little available. When you do find information, it is always from a western point of view.

That is fine, if you are looking for an overview. However, I am one of those who wants to know what makes people tick. I wan to know what happened in their history that has made them this way. What is it in their religion that makes them think this way...

Since being here, I have found several venues that have allowed me to learn some. There are some wonderful expat forums that I have joined as well as lectures I am attending. I am also reading books like crazy. That there can be a hazard to my budget since books are expensive here.

In the states, I took for granted that you could go to a bookstore and just get a book... here there are lots of book stores, but I find myself choosing the books much more carefully. I find myself asking if I would read the book more than once, would I loan it out, most importantly, is it worth the price, or could I wait till I go back to the states and get it then.

As I stated, the cost is much more expensive here... for instance...

The book - Princess cost me 45 dh = 12.25 10.15 usd new or 1.37 usd used (amazon)

Magazines are worse... the average price of a women's magazine (like Good Housekeeping) is 60 dh = 16$ usd... That is expensive... I don't think in the states magzines are more than 6 or 7 usd for the more expensive foodie magazines...

However that has not stopped me from purchasing books. I have always had a love affair for books, and I just can't give them up.

If anybody decides to come visit... I have a list of books I am looking for...

Speaking of visiting... If you want to come visit... we would love to have you stay with us.

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