Well it is almost 4:30 in the morning ans I can't sleep. My back is hurting something fierce despite Hubby giving me a back rub last night. It's not the general pain that bothers me, but the nerve pain that just about drives me nuts.
It doesn't help to be on your feet for 7.5 hours at work either. I work at a job that is fairly demanding physically. since I hurt my back it has been a lot more difficult to manage. I have awesome co-workers, but not being able to lift really adds a burden to their jobs.
I do as much as I can and then try to be creative as far as the rest of the lifting.
As far as crochet, I have several things I am working on.
I have designed a 24 point round ripple afghan that I need to get finished. After I get the AC put in for the summer, I can start working on that one again.
I have a top that I would like to make for myself.
Then I have some Christmas and Birthday gifts to get done.
I will have to post the links to m projects at another time.