
A Poem For Jaden

Sweet Little Boy sent from above.
On a mission from God,
hearts to transform.
Smiles to bring,
Joy to give,
Unselfish love,
Love given freely.

Sweet Little Boy gone from this earth.
Your mission acomplished.
You touched many hearts,
and changed every one.
No words needed said,
you reached out in love,
your eyes were your words.

Sweet Little Boy we miss you so much.
We will keep you forever
in hearts that you touched.
No words can be said
your smile will be missed.
You'll remain in our hearts
a bright shining star.


In Memory of Jaden

Yesterday when I got home from work, my husband had some sad news for me.

Our niece Mikera's son had been hit by a car and killed yesterday.

Jaden was a real delight to all that knew him.